How will my learners access the videos?
Along with the PDFs and other components that are delivered via email, you’ll get a link to all the videos. Many schools choose to post this link in a Google classroom page so the learners can access it easily during the Fine Arts Quest. You can also set a custom password and release dates so that content is paced out over a chosen calendar period.
How will I get the art supplies for the curriculum?
A materials list with hyperlinks to Amazon or Walmart is provided in the digitally delivered curriculum. You can also preview it here (insert link)
What grade-level is this geared toward?
Artisan is gearted towards childen in grades K-6. School founders and guides found it’s a sweet spot for elementary-aged learners, but there's no reason why kids who are in middle-school might still enjoy it.
Is this linked to an Acton Founder or Academy?
No, but our co-Founder and curriculum designer Rebecca served as a Fine Arts Guide at several Acton Academies in the Austin area (including the Main Campus). We were inspired by the Acton approach as we sought to create a Learner-driven model for Fine Art.
What if I have a question or concern as we roll out the program?
You can reach us via email and we’ll be happy to help! Email
Can I use this with future classes at my school?
The license holder(puchaser), can use the videos for any class within your home, individual school or department during the year. That means you only pay once, and can use the same series again for students who haven't taken the class without needing to make an additional purchase. The liscence expires at the end of the year at which point we encourage you to check for newly released curriculum and updates.